A New Year, A New Service

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A New Year, A New Service… NDIS Plan Management

Written by: Anthea Taylor l NDIS Plan Management Team


It’s a new year.  It’s time for a change.

According to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus;

“There is nothing permanent except change.”

Each year, we welcome change in the form of the new year.  With that, we think about our goals for the forthcoming year.  Bigger, brighter goals than previous years. The things we want to change, the things we will change. Essentially goals are about change

Did Heraclitus foresee the National Disability Insurance Scheme? Although a philosopher, his quote could be considered a prophecy.  It certainly resonates with the NDIS’s constant state of change.  NDIS Participants are experts in both goals and change.  They are adept at setting realistic and tangible goals in the ever-changing landscape that is the NDIS.  As a new service, Canny Plan Management’s goals for 2021 centre around change: To collaborate with our plan management clients to assist them to manage their funding within the organic and dynamic parameters of the NDIS, and be the positive change for our plan management clients to help them achieve their goals.

Our Change Is That When We Manage Your NDIS, We Are Person-Centred!

“Real People, real walks of life” is not just a tagline.  It is our motto. We live by it.  We work by it. We focus on the real person, the individual, their life, their goals, their aspirations, their today and their tomorrow. Our clients are the fabric of our values.  We chat and collaborate with our plan management clients to focus on their needs and goals.  Our regular check-in with clients keeps us in touch and focused on their goals. Our goal is that Canny Plan Management clients always know and feel that they are the centre of everything we do.

Our Change Is That When You Choose A Plan Manager, Like Canny Plan Management – We Are Different!

We are not just a tick-the-box accounts payable service.  Through our person-centred approach, we work in collaboration with our plan management clients to help manage and maximise their current + future NDIS funding to support their needs, achieve their goals and live the life they want to live.  We monitor and advise on their funding expenditures and balances. Our goal is that our Canny Plan Management clients access all their allocated NDIS funding to purchase the products and services they need.

Our Change Is That We Will Manage Your Funding…

Because Managing Money Is What We Do!

And we’re good at it!  The Canny Group have been trusted in helping people manage their money for over 60 years.  It just makes sense that we extend what we do and offer our expertise + experience to NDIS participants.  As financial intermediary specialists, we use our budgeting skills to deep dive into our plan management client’s NDIS plan and work with the client to develop a tailored budget that fits in with their funding and their needs + goals. We highlight areas of flexibility and adjust as the plan goes along. We take the responsibility of being independent plan managers very seriously and are always conscious of the fact that we are acting as a financial intermediary for our plan management clients, and that we are managing their funding on their behalf. We provide regular reports on expenditures and balances to make sure we are doing what our clients want us to do.  Our goal is to ensure accountability and transparency in everything we do.

We’re one of the good guys. We stand on our own. We offer an impartial service without any organisational conflict of interest that goes with providing other NDIS services. We’re not influenced or co-dependent on other disability services.  We are plan managers, and that is it. Our goal is to ensure an independent financial intermediary service for our Canny Plan Management clients and that they have choice and control for purchasing the best value support services and products.

Our Change Is That We Can Manage Your NDIS Plan…

Because We Understand Business!

Big or small, cash flow or provider, it doesn’t matter. As a business ourselves, we get the need for payment for services rendered – and payment sooner rather than later makes everyone happy, especially the accountants.  We don’t want any disruption to the support services delivered to our plan management clients, so we ensure providers are paid efficiently and quickly. Our goal is that all plan-managed invoices and reimbursements are processed and paid promptly

Our Change Is That We Are NDIS Registered + We Give Back Time!

We all dream of a stress-free life and having time to do the things we enjoy and want to do.  Canny Plan Management helps to realise the dream.  By taking care of the invoices and reimbursements, we do the work.  Canny Plan Management clients do not have to spend time or stress over trying to or having to navigate and wrangle the NDIS portal. There are so many better things to do with their time. Our goal is to give time back to our clients so they can actively focus on their goals and what is important to them.

Canny Plan Management’s Change Is That We Mean It!

We didn’t go into this lightly.  We did our research.  We saw the need for focused and experienced plan managers who put the needs of NDIS participants first. We saw the need for loud and active advocacy in the plan management space.  Backed by our long-standing experience, trust in the community and commitment to our clients, the real people from real walks of life, we have gone into this with a positive disruptive attitude to be the change that NDIS plan management needs and to make a difference for NDIS participants. We have done it because is important.

As the world tentatively crosses into 2021, we are leaping into it and eagerly embracing our goals.  We see it as an exciting year.  A year that will make a positive difference.  A year that will herald Canny Plan Management as being the change that was wanted.  Being the change that was needed.

Canny Plan Management is making changes to Plan Management so get in touch with us if you or someone you know need a change in 2021.

Head of NDIS Plan Management Anthea Taylor stands centre in the photograph wearing thick red framed glasses and wearing a white dress with a large black paisley print covering

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