All In One Support Services

Do you want to know more?

All In One Support Services – Client Insider l Canny Group


In your own words, what is All In One Support Services?

All In One Support Services was formed out of community need for a tailored mental health, disability, and housing support service.  We are passionate about advocating for those experiencing disadvantage, mental health un-wellness and social stigma.  We are also committed to empowering these groups by ensuring they have the necessary skills to attain the highest quality of life possible.

Tell us the story, your story of how All In One Support Services came about/to life + how long has All In One Supports been up + running for?

Having worked in various Mental Health & Disability roles over the past seven years.  I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of great people and be a part of some great organisations, big and small.  Through these experiences I seen what it takes to run an organisation- and do it well.  I have also experienced the not so fun side of working within rigid structures that are often driven by KPI’s and hierarchy.  I came home from work in early February 2021 and chatted to my partner about work and said I wanted to start my own business- the rest is history.  We started trading in March 1st 2021 and have been making a different in people’s lives ever since.

Everybody has something, what do you love about your job?

I love being able to achieve better outcomes for people experiencing mental health, disability, or housing issues.  I achieve this through the flexibility running your own organisation provides in terms of navigating systems and liaising with stakeholders.  However, the credit must go to our amazing team who are working in the community, providing in home supports, and truly making a difference one day at a time.  Our staff are the face of our organisation and must be recognised wherever possible.  Working alongside our staff and clients is what I love most about my role.

What made you want to go into business to help + support those with Mental Health issues?

Mental Health affects us in both positive negative ways and depending on our experiences and stressors at the time.  I have seen how being unwell can impact family, friends, and day to day functioning.  In my late teens I supported a close family member through a difficult time in their life.  This had a profound impact on me and from then I realised Mentha Health is a very ‘real’ concept that does not discriminate.  It was through this direct experience my passion for Mental Health and supporting those experiencing disadvantage was born.  From there, I have studied extensively and have a Social Work background.  I have been fortunate enough to work in various Mental Health roles working in community, hospitals, and acute settings.

There’s a lot of competition out there for the industry that you’re working in, what sets you apart from the next business or provider that is offering Mental Health supports to those that are on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

Geelong was one of the first trial sites for the initial roll out of this government reform.  This brought about enormous change and opportunity to the Mental Health and Disability sectors respectively.  I tend to view my competition as a positive and a real game changer for the people living with a disability.  Competition brings choice and control which underpins the NDIS.  People have the right to choose who supports them, how they support them, and when they support them.  I feel what sets us apart from the others in the fields is our practical approach to a complex sector.  We like to simplify things in everything we do; from our initial meeting with a new client, to the ongoing support we provide.  Our knowledge and expertise across the Mental Health & Disability fields allows us to support the most complex of presentations.  My view is if we can help someone, we will!’.

Is there any advice or some points that you could give to people who would be struggling with their mental health during this uncertain time + being thrown in + out of lockdown?

Mental Health impacts us all differently, and we all will experience mental health throughout our lifetime.  Whether that is being anxious in a crowd full of people, being depressed about losing your job, or getting nervous meeting someone for the first time to the point where you experience a panic attack.  These are all very real and very ‘normal’ responses to human interactions.  The challenge is what do with these feelings when we have them?  There is a lot of research and resources on ways to improve your mental health.  For me, some advice I would give is to establish a positive routine, go for a walk, talk to friends or family about how you are feeling, exercise, and never be afraid in asking for help.

What does a day in your shoes at All In One Support Services look like?

A typical day for me, would be talking to staff and clients, responding to points of crisis, liaising with stakeholders, networking, and collaborating with other organisations, going for a walk, and engaging in self-care, providing guidance and support to staff.  Above all, always remaining calm while making considered and thoughtful decisions to often complex and difficult situations.

What do you consider a good day at work for you?

A good day at work for me is one where I have achieved everything I have set out to.  Each night before I go to bed, I write done a list of things I need to do the next day.  I find this keeps me accountable while also prioritizing what is needed to be done.  This is easier said than done!  A lot of the time as this sector can be challenging and demanding with no two days quiet the same.

Every business needs an adviser… who do YOU turn to for help at Canny Group + with so many accountants Geelong has on offer, why Canny Group?

I turn to Krys Canny-Smith for advice.  Krys helped me structure the organisation in a seamless and streamline way that is easy to understand.  Krys’ warm and professional approach to business structuring, accounting, and answering questions has been refreshing and has made the whole process very straight forward.  Having someone like Krys to turn to is a great asset.  I would highly recommend Krys Canny-Smith and Canny Groups’ wide range of services.

What kind of support have you received from Canny Group since joining forces with them as your accountant?

We have received ongoing business support and advice from Canny Group since we have started.  We also have a great working relationship with Canny Plan Management headed up by Anthea Taylor.  I often find myself turning to Anthea for an NDIS related query.  She is a walking and talking dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus when it comes to all things NDIS and plan management.  I find what sets Canny Group apart from others is that their staff are genuine people who have a passion for helping others, a lot like the staff at All In One Support Services.

What’s planned for the future of All In One Support Services?

This will sound very cliché, but for those that know me I take things ‘one day at a time’.  A wise work colleague once said to me ‘what you don’t finish today, you can get done tomorrow’.  I try and live by these words as this line of work can be very demanding and time consuming.  Despite this, I still feel it is vitally important to have goals and work towards them.  We hope to continue growing our brand, our staff, and our client cohort across Geelong and Victoria.

How do I get in contact or find out more about All In One Support Services?

You can check out our website at email us at or contact us on 0401 090 442 or 0455 659 338 we are always here to help.

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