Category: Service + Supply Agreements

While often neglected at the commencement of a business - particularly given everyone's focus is initially on getting things up and running and profitable -...
Service Agreements come in all shapes and sizes and cover an infinite number of circumstances. For you, they might be important...
The very last thing our Canny business owners want to do is think about whether their standard terms and conditions are compliant with the latest...

Unfair Contract Terms: What Do The New Laws Mean For You Or Your Business? Written by: Gabrielle Andersen l Insight Team   At Canny Group,...

While there is often overlap between Service Agreements and terms and conditions, Service Agreements are usually a more formal contract for a specific engagement....
Generally speaking, terms and conditions are the rules and obligations you want to advise your customers about when they decide to use your business's products...
Whether you sell products or services, your business needs consumers, and meeting the needs of your consumers can be crucial....