Fool Proof NDIS Plan Management

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Fool Proof NDIS Plan Management – NDIS Help

Written by: Anthea Taylor l NDIS Plan Management Team


Nobody likes being made into an April Fool – especially when it comes to your NDIS funding, we have put this article together to make sure that you make the right decision for you when it comes to choosing the right NDIS Plan Manager.

Not for the first time has the National Disability Insurance Scheme been referred to as a game changer.  With the introduction and implementation of the NDIS came a change to the way in which disability services were funded.  Gone is the block and grant funding allocated to disability service organisations.  People with a disability now have individualised funding enabling them to decide on what types of supports they need and who they want to provide those supports.

NDIS participants have choice and control over how their NDIS funds are managed.  They can choose to self-manage their funds, have them managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) or engage an independent financial intermediary such as Canny Plan Management to plan manage on their behalf, commonly known and referred to as a Plan Manager.

The option for plan management has opened the market for plan management providers, from large national organisations and businesses to small companies and sole traders.  A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Participant who has opted for or is thinking about having their funds plan managed, should select a provider who suits their plan management needs and wants: be it independent financial scrutiny, checks and balances, assistance with creating and monitoring their funds in a budget breakdown, or time-saving by not having to process invoices, payments and record keeping.

Manage Your Funding: Canny Plan Management Clients Are No Fool!

The idiom a “fool and his money are soon parted” is centuries old, and still rings true – however not for Canny Plan Management clients.  They are no fool.  They have chosen wisely.  Whereas some plan managers focus solely on the accounts payable task, others such as Canny Plan Management put the person first and work with the client as part of their support network.

Canny – by definition is;

  1. Having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.
  2. Pleasant; nice

Canny Group as a whole, have been assisting the community, near and far for over 60 years by showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money and or business matters.

We are proud to be leaders in all of our industries, Accounting, Advisory, Legal and NDIS Plan Management, which we house all under one roof.

Our commitment to our clients is to give them the confidence of knowing the team working with them is doing what we do best so that you can focus on doing what you do best.  We provide support to our clients from all walks of life and in all stages of life to set and achieve their goals.

Especially, for our Canny Plan Management clients, we provide and deliver all of the above: independent financial scrutiny, checks and balances, creating and monitoring budget breakdowns, processing invoices and payments and record keeping – but that is just the start!  Most of all, we offer a real person for you to work with and rely on.

Working with our clients, it’s our role to assist them to exercise their right to choice and control over their supports and providers. It’s also our role to enable and ensure our clients utilise and maximise their National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding for appropriate reasonable and necessary supports which align with their NDIS plan goals and aspirations.

The move away from centralised funding to individualised funding was and is progressive.  Not only does it hand choice and control to the individual.  It also provides opportunities for innovation and competition for providers.  Traditional disability providers now have greater competition from new providers and existing providers who have diversified their services.  Like many sectors, there are great providers and there are not so great providers. The latter do not last long.  NDIS participants are not fooled by overpromising and under-delivering.  They can choose to take their funding elsewhere if they are not satisfied with the supports being delivered.

Don’t Be A Fool + Overlook Canny Plan Management When You Choose A Plan Manager!

Like a trusted friend, we are here to help you navigate and maximise your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan!  Our team are real people from real walks of life – just as you are!  We care about you and helping you achieve your goals and aspirations.

We provide a personal, independent non-biased and responsive service.  As a Canny Plan Management client, you will be allocated a personal Plan Manager, dedicated to helping you understand and manage your plan.  Your Plan Manager will listen to you to understand your individual circumstances and will work with you to maximise your NDIS funding.

When we decided to take the plunge and become registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) it was a long and rigorous process but on top of that, we wanted to ensure that if we were going to do this that we were going to do this right and make sure that what we were offering, isn’t offered elsewhere.

We did the research, we had the focus groups to find out what the pain points were.  We sat down with support coordinators, providers and most importantly NDIS participants to ensure that we were going to be able to offer a service that would take away any doubt when we would proudly be chosen to be a partner with each and every participant of Canny Plan Management and ensure that we stayed true to our word.

By allowing yourself to have the choice and control for NDIS Plan Management and selecting Canny Plan Management, you are giving yourself the flexibility of choice and control in who you choose to provide and deliver your support service.  You won’t have to only use National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered providers.  You can also negotiate pricing below the NDIS capped prices and make value for money decisions in line with your plan to make the most of the supports that best suit your needs.

Manage Your Plan By Working Together With Canny Plan Management!

There is no cost to you!  NDIS Plan Management is a specific stated and funded support under Capacity Building and Improved Life Choices (Choice and Control).

If you have Plan Management in your current plan, you can contact us now to get it happening.  If you don’t have Plan Management in your current plan, you can request that it be included in your next plan at your NDIS Plan Review meeting.

Let us help you get back to enjoying the important things in life.  We are here to help and we are here to be by your side.  Get in touch today to find out how Canny Plan Management can help you achieve your goals on your NDIS plan and ensure that when it comes to your NDIS funding, that you are covered with Fool Proof NDIS Plan Management.

Head of NDIS Plan Management Anthea Taylor stands centre in the photograph wearing thick red framed glasses and wearing a white dress with a large black paisley print covering

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