MarryMeMads: Marrying the Hopeless Romantics

Do you want to know more?

Marry Me Mads sounds a bit funny eh?  Marry Me Mads is a business focused on marrying the hopeless romantics and the ride-or-die type lovers.  To put that in lemans terms – Mads is a celebrant!

Marry Me Mads is sort of a persona Mads has taken on board.  As she calls it, mixed with a touch of delusion – most people would call it “arrogance” but she calls it an extension of the imagination.

Her business really captures the heart core of a couple’s essence what celebrates all that is amazing about their journey, and why they choose each other today, tomorrow and always!


Tell us the story – your story, of how you came to be working with couples to ensure that you form part of their big day?

My core is passionate love.  I come from a long line of passionate and intense love stories, my grandmothers, my grandfathers, my parents, my sisters, and me.  We love hard, we gith for what it meant for us, and we never give up.

To tell you the truth, I have always chased and yearned for my creative outlet.  Trust me when I say I have gone through A LOT of hobbies and “career” paths trying to channel it.

Not before long, I found myself engaged and on the hunt for the “perfect vendors”.  Most were fabulous!  This led me to obtain a position as a second shooter for a videographer and photographer mob known as Dream Cave – who hired me in a heartbeat.  As our journey progressed, Justine, my boss at the time said to me… “Mads, why don’t you become a celebrant?” my response was “what?”.  Goodness knows we had witnessed a WHOLE lot of boring and snooze-worthy ceremonies!  From that moment, a notion was cemented in my brain!  The wedding season fizzled out and my second shooter dreams drew to a close.  And I enrolled into Certificate IV in Celebrancy, I did the first few bits and pieces.  I thought it was torture – it was BORING and I mean BORING.  Luckily it was an online course and I could come back to it when needed.  I literally didn’t touch it for months.

My husbands and I embarked on a new journey and that was building our dream home!  I was working for my parents and I needed extra income.   My husband said to me “I reckon you should finish that course love, I mean you did pay for it after all”.

I remember it as clear as day, it was the 28th of December 2022 I was on Christmas holidays and something clicked, as if all the lights turned green.  I had no idea what came over me – I finished my course work in a VERY short amount of time, smashed my assessment day to the point where the assessor said to me directly, I can’t wait to see what you do, YOU are going to be fabulous.  I sate in the car once completed and I cried.

I cried, because I had worked so hard to get to that moment, I was 23 and married, I had two very young children, we were building our home, interest rates were on the rise, money was low, we were lucky enough to bunk in with my parents and my sisters, there was a LOT happening – did I mention I was 23…  I still had to figure out what the heck I wanted to do with my life and who I was as an individual.  Completing the assessment day was the moment, I knew I had made myself proud.  The four hours sleep a night, the planning, the networking, the learning.  My gosh it was intense.

Then came the extensive application process – it was expensive, long and sometimes a little annoying, I reminded myself that celebrants are extensions of the Attorney General’s office.  It has to be thorough and they have to ensure we are “it”.

I owe a lot to my husband, my children, my parents and my sisters.  There is nothing like being pulled back down to earth when needed, yet also giving you that much needed confidence boost.

What was your “lightbulb moment”?  The moment you realised that Marry Me Mads would be your footprint on the world?

My mum bought me a picnic basket to carry all of my documents and document folders for my assessment day in Melbourne.  Mum only buys you a bag on special occasions – I have a feeling this was her way of saying “you got this bub”.

I think that was the moment where I thought “oh my gosh”, this is real.

I am SO proud of this footprint!

Everybody has something they love; what do you love about your ‘job’?

I LOVE EVERYTHING.  I love getting to know and connect with people, I love the privilege of being let in on some of the intimate moments in a couple’s relationship and share their love story.  As cliche as that sounds.

To be honest, I don’t care if it does sound cliche, I am trusted to essentially present their highlight reel.  Technically I am their newest friend and I get that honour?  It’s amazing.

What do you find is the main reason that keeps you getting up every morning, heading out the door, and off to work?

Pwoah!  What a loaded question.  The main reason I do what I do is for my children.  I am a weird wonderful and colourful individual.  I love to be celebrated for exactly that.

It is my legacy, that my kids will always have someone that celebrates them and their idiosyncrasies.

This is why I am a storyteller; I want people/couples to be celebrated for exactly who they are.

Tell us your secret… What are some of the little joys that you bring to your clients who trust you with being the one to marry them on their wedding day?

I actually get this question a lot, mostly from new and upcoming celebrants.  Mind you my business is only ten months old.

My secret…  Being you.

I don’t pretend to be someone I am not; I am not the best at grammar, but golly will I bring the house down with a vibe, I don’t have the most professional of tones, but you can ensure I don’t come across boring in an email response, you trust me with anything, you will find me in every relatable conversation and I adapt almost every situation ( the variable here is – I will not adapt to swimming with sharks).  I am the calm to the storm, I care about couples and their families, and I also give great hugs.

If we were to spend a day in your shoes – what would that look like?

Wake up, panic, pack a lunch or two for my kids, brush my hair, dress, go to my day job, pick up children, go to a sport of some sort for my kids, come home, husband cooks, while I am having a zoom meeting or 4 (yes I have had 4 zoom meetings in one night), eat, write, schedule in person meetings, check in with client, get gift packs ready, social media posting, figure how I can level up, watch some tv to get mellow for a moment, regain brain capacity, practice ceremonies, schedule in social life, sleep.  Repeat.  I’m sure there’s more but ya know…

On a wedding day, I get everything packed the week of the wedding, so that if I think I might miss something, it definitely comes to me during the week.  I will practice their ceremony, whilst I do my makeup and hair, double the equipment works, I will pack the car, get dressed, hop in the car and drive myself to where one half of the couple is getting ready, check in with them, get them to sign a piece of paperwork for those who celebrant at home (the DONLIM), head to the reception spot, check in with the other half if they aren’t getting ready, chat to the coordinator, chat to the wedding parties, practice one more time, greet guests, answer any of their questions, get everyone into their positions and then we marry the absolute heck of the lovers!

What do you consider a good day at work for you?

When a mum or a cheeky aunty comes up to me and says you are fabulous!  That was the best ceremony I have ever been a part of.

Then I call my husband, tell him I nailed it – I’ll grab a cheeky soft serve and drive on home to my fam.

Tell us about your focus and your vibe – what do you do that sets you apart from the other marriage celebrants?

I won’t try to be modest in this one!  I am RELATABLE!  I genuinely care about what makes each couple different and ways to celebrate their individual qualities.  I have a laugh and I don’t take myself too seriously at all.  However, I am ORGANISED – I like appointments scheduled in, I stick to a deadline and timeline like nobody’s business, mainly for me and I know how I work.

I don’t care if the next celebrant over has a different approach because there is room for everyone and if I am too much, then you can always find less *insert wink*.

I am ME & that’s what sets me apart.

My vibe is VIBRANT, loud, ICONIC, truthful, loving and supportive!

If you could give three tips to couples who are looking for a wedding celebrate to officiate their wedding, what would they be?

  • Don’t let a price determine your selection – If someone charges an extra $300, I’m telling you there is a reason for that.  It includes experience, growth, training and personal development training, aesthetic, vibe and the experience they give you on the journey.
  • CONNECTION!  Connect with your celebrant, if you can’t connect, it’s a RED flag.  Your celebrant needs to understand you from the get-go.  You are trusting them with your story, your journey and some really intimate and exciting moments between you and your partner.
  • Value – When selecting your celebrant are they valuing you two as individuals, what is the celebrant offering, does it include support and their undying love and affection?  Do they have great connections and vendor recommendations, are they offering time frames/timelines and other valuable information?  How do they interact with you and the people around them?  Always look at the value.

Every business needs an adviser… who do you turn to for help at Canny Group and with so many accountants Geelong has on offer, why Canny Group?

I chat to the head honcho, Amanda – I trust her with all I have.  Mandy knows the definition of being a Girl Boss and what it’s like paving your own way with your children sleeping under your desk.  Trying to create your own mark or stamp your own stamp.  Having a woman who relates solely to you is inspiring.

Mandy cares and is always super excited when I walk through the doors.  Whether that be to chat about what’s next, increasing prices, or what outfits are my next purchase (that’s just us being cheeky).

Canny Group is a no-brainer, they are professional city – the reputation and safety are like no other.

What kind of support have you received from Canny Group since joining forces with them as your accountant?

A never-ending, unwavering pillar of support and a sense of we have your back.  That to me is priceless!

How do we get in contact with you to have a chat about your services?

AMAZING QUESTION!  Head on over to, you can also find me on Instagram @marryme.mads and on Facebook at Marry Me Mads.

Have a cheeky look and let’s get you legally, locked & loaded for LIFE!

Pictured: Maddison Gillespie, sitting smiling with a cocktail glass in one hand and her other hand on her face. In front of her is a newly married couple.


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