Welcome To The New Year + Insight
Written by: Legal Team
Happy New Year! We hope that like us you’ve had the chance to refresh and refocus over the break and are looking forward to an exciting 2024 ahead.
For business owners, the start of a new year is the perfect time to get your business house in order. And as we’re always looking to support our clients in any way we can, we wanted to remind you of how our legal services can boost your business in 2024.
Commercial Law Series: Legal Info for Business Owners
For the past 12 months, our legal team has been carefully preparing and sharing our Commercial Law Series, a collection of articles specifically targeted at investigating the most common legal areas of concern for business owners.
The Commercial Law Series articles pair perfectly with our new business legal service, Canny Legal – which we’ll explain further below – and we’d encourage all Canny Group clients who won or are involved in business to check them out.
Commercial Law Series Instalments:
We cover common business structures, the importance of Employment Agreements, having the right compliance advice, and why having legally prepared Service Agreements and Terms and Conditions are crucial for your business.
A handy explainer on the different types of business structures and how to choose the right one for your business, including where Shareholders Agreements can help, and how having legal advice when choosing the right business structure can pay off.
You may have a successful business, but how can you grow it, what financing options are available to you, and why Loan Agreements play an important role in protecting your business.
Most businesses have employees, but do they always have Employment Agreements? This article explains the importance of Employment Agreements, and how they help employers navigate the minimum legal standards owed to employees under the National Employment Standards, the Modern Awards, and through Enterprise Agreements.
We all know consumers have rights, but what are they and how do we know what our obligations are as business owners? This article explains Australia’s Consumer Laws, the Fair Trading Laws, and what the Consumer Guarantees are in relation to products and services.
While we’re talking about consumer rights, let’s not forget about the Privacy Act and the obligations on business owners to protect any personal or sensitive information they hold about their clients. Recent data breaches have shown that these laws are even more important for business owners, and as we’ve seen, failures to look after your clients’ information could have devastating consequences.
We go into depth on what are terms and conditions, why are they important for your business, and why is it best to have a lawyer prepare them?
Why are Service Agreements so crucial to your business operations, what do they cover, and what exactly are the new Unfair Contract Terms laws everyone seems to be talking about?
How Shareholders Agreements can play an integral role in managing and growing your business, and why you should have one prepared by a lawyer – or if you sensibly already have a Shareholders Agreement, why a review might be in order.
Has the start of another year got you thinking about the future of your business? Read our latest article on exactly how and what should be considered in your succession plan, and what your options are.
Canny Legal
Canny Legal provides legal advice and guidance on all of the above Commercial and Business Law topics, but not in the way you’d expect! Canny Legal gives your business the feel of having in-house legal, without the hefty price tag. We have moved completely outside the traditional commercial and business law model by tailoring legal services packages to suit all phases of business, whether you’re a start-up, steadily growing or gearing up for expansion.
Canny Legeal was born from us recognising that our business clients need legal support, but the barrier to finding that legal support is time and cost. At Canny Group, we’re always trying to find ways to efficiently deliver our services to our clients, while maintaining the high standard they’ve come to expect.
Less Financial Pressure For Your Business + Expert Legal Advice
We take the pressure off our busy business owners by diagnosing your legal needs and custom building legal support for your business that offers cost assurance and peace of mind.
Canny Group clients will know that the best part of being one of our clients is our full-service offering with Accounting, Financial Planning, NDIS Support and Legal all under the one roof.
Canny Legeal aims to build on our current Canny Group client services by offering our business clients comprehensive legal support which is specifically focused on the day-to-day aspects of running your particular business.
Get in touch with us to discuss how Canny Legal can create the perfect, and affordable, package to assist your business!
The content of this article is for general guidance purposes only. Specialist legal advice relevant to your circumstances should be sought if required.