COVID-19 // Economic Stimulus + Survival Guide

Do you want to know more?

The Federal Government and State Government have together announced multiple stimulus packages to help support everyone affected by Covid-19 [Corona Virus].  With that in mind, we want to try to provide you with a brief and up-to-date rundown of the benefits for individuals and Small to Medium Sized Businesses [SME’s].  Please note that this is not exhaustive, and we have provided links to original Government releases, so you can double check all information and keep abreast of developments.

April 2020

April Announcements
If you are an EMPLOYER – click here.  

Also important for employers to register with the ATO here AND here.  If you are an employer and have a State Revenue Office payroll tax registration click here.

If you are an EMPLOYEE – click here

If you are a SOLE TRADER – click here.  

Also important to for sole traders to register with the ATO here AND here.

If you need information on ACCESS TO CREDIT for small business – click here

If you employ APPRENTICES – click here

If your income falls BENEATH $1,075 p/fortnight you may be entitled to the Coronavirus Supplement – click here

If you are a VICTORIAN small business with a turnover of +$75,000 – click here

If you are a TENANT – click here


March 2020

March Announcements
Small – Medium Businesses –

  1. Businesses with turnover of less than $50M who employ workers will be eligible for the “Boosting Cash Flow for Employers Package”.  All employers will receive a minimum payment of $10,000 [increased from the initial $2,000 announced in mid-March] and the maximum is calculated as 100% of the PAYG withholding withheld from employee wages up to a maximum of $50,000.  The amount is calculated on PAYG withheld between January and June 2020 and calculation varies depending on how often you lodge your activity statements.
  2. An additional payment is being introduced from the July – October 2020 period.  This amount will be exactly the same as the original amount received by the business.  This effectively doubles the amount received to a minimum of $20,000 and a maximum of $100,000
  3. The Victorian Government has announced that SME’s with a yearly payroll of less than $3M, will be provided with 12 months Payroll Tax relief.  Businesses that currently pay payroll tax [ie. business with payroll, including superannuation, of greater than $54,166 per month] will receive a refund to their bank account of any payroll tax paid for the period 1 July 2019 to 29 February 2020.  In addition, there will be no further payroll tax payable up to 30 June 2020.  The Victorian Government advises that refunds will be accessed by 27 March 2020
  4. There are also measures to temporarily assist businesses in financial distress,
  5. Instant asset write-off is increased from $30,000 to $150,000 for those of you who are not concerned about cash-flow and view this as a good time to invest in assets for your business,  There are also measures around depreciating fixed assets faster,
  6. Wage subsidies are available for up to 50% of an apprentice or trainee’s wage for the nine months from 1 January to 30 September 2020.  Employers will be reimbursed to a maximum of $7,000 per quarter per apprentice/trainee,

March Announcements
Support for Cash Flow Needs for Small – Medium Businesses –

  1. The Federal Government will provide a guarantee of up to 50% of loans made to SME’s
  2. Lenders will be provided with a temporary exemption from the responsible lending obligations to provide loans to existing small business clients to enable faster approval and provision of loans to SME’s,

March Announcements
Individuals + Households –

  1. Income support payments and coronavirus supplements to existing and new recipients of some Centrelink payments,  There will also be streamlined application for Centrelink benefits and reduced waiting times for payments.
  2. Two separate payments to recipients of social security, veteran and other support payments from Centrelink.  These are due to be paid as $750 on 31 March 2020 and $750 on 13 July 2020,
  3. Temporary early release of superannuation amounts up to $10,000 for the financial year 2019-20 and again for the financial year 2020-21.  There will be no tax payable on the amounts withdrawn and they will also not effect Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs payments,
  4. Temporary reduction in superannuation minimum drawdown amounts for those receiving a pension from their super fund,
  5. Reduced Centrelink deeming rates to support retirees,

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