Julie Ryan – Marriage Celebrant

Do you want to know more?

Being held up in an armed robbery whilst working as a pharmacy assistant led to Julie Ryan to take some time off and look for something a little less stressful.

What is it that you do as a marriage celebrant?

In my role as a marriage celebrant, I am the one you meet to organise your ceremony to ensure the words of love come through to your guests in a beautiful and meaningful ceremony structured around what you want.  I lodge all the paperwork required by Births, Deaths and Marriages to ensure your marriage is legal.

How did wanting to become a celebrant come to life?

I was having some time away from my role as a pharmacy assistant after being involved in an armed holdup and was looking for something a little less stressful.  I had been attending my uncles funeral and thought what a beautiful ceremony the celebrant had conducted.  It was at this time, I decided I wanted to be able to reach out and be a celebrant.

To complete the Certificate in Celebrancy it involves both components of marriage and funeral… and here I am today, a celebrant!

I graduated in 2017 and applied to the Attorney General for my registration which was approved and I was legally registered on 5th January 2018.

What do you love about your job?

What is not to love?  I get to meet lovely couples and help them put together beautiful ceremonies.  When it comes to their special day, I am the one that gets to bring together two people in love, surrounded by their nearest and dearest.  I also get to see the smiles, the kisses and so much love which makes it a truly wonderful job.

How can I get in contact?

Visit my Facebook page to have a look at the beautiful wedding photos over the past year that I have been apart of:

Julie Ryan Celebrant – https://www.facebook.com/julieanneryancelebrant/

E-mail – julieryancelebrant@gmail.com

Phone – 0438 411 609

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