Do you want to know more?

Katie Greig is a human being like no other, she loves being able to develop inclusive environments that everyone (both disability and neurotypical) can enjoy regardless of their diagnosis or challenges.  It all stemmed from doing a primary education degree at university and being offered a job to home school a non-verbal 14 year old ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) boy in Argentina!  Now she is on to designing and developing some big community playground projects which are about to be launched!

WHAT IS… K.G Consultancy?

KG Consultancy provides play-based therapy to address behavioural challenges, utilisng evidence-based approaches to children and teens diagnosed with ASD.  We also offer NDIA support and information as well as consulting on projects assisting organisations to develop ASD, sensory friendly playscapes.


It all stemmed from doing a primary education degree at university and being offered a job to home school a non-verbal 14 yr old ASD boy in Argentina.  After discovering that there was little awareness in the educational world at the time, KG Consultancy was born through a life changing experience providing ABA therapy.

Passion to spread awareness and understanding has led to collaborating on a number of projects to provide a sensory friendly, ASD aware environment for all abilities to be able to enjoy.

HOW LONG has K.G Consultancy been up + running for?

I have been working in the ASD field for nearly 10 years through various positions and self-contracting roles, KG Consultancy as a “name” is relatively new and has slowly been building over the last 3 years.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE about your job?

I love being able to develop inclusive environments that everyone (both disability and neurotypical) can enjoy regardless of diagnosis or challenges.  I thrive in being able to assist individuals to meet their goals, wheather it is around toileting, feeding, sleeping, independence skills, puberty or just community engagement.

EVERY BUSINESS NEEDS AN ADVISER… who do you turn to the most?

Mandy, every time!  She has been holding me accountable (pun intended) since I was doing VCE accounting. I turn to her with all business enquiries, big or small and trust Canny Group 100% for all my tax and business needs.

LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE… what’s planned for the future of K.G Consultancy?

Currently working on some big community playground projects, which is very exciting but am also busily developing programs and workshops to assist individuals to navigate NDIA supports.  KG Consultancy has a person-centered, family-focused approach to services.

The aim is to further educate and raise awareness so we can live in an inclusive, neurodiverse world whilst focusing on and promoting the strengths of ASD people.  We will also continue to provide support to assist with the daily challenges that ASD individuals face by providing supportive and individualised programs.

HOW DO I FIND OUT MORE + get in contact?

KG Consultancy currently have their website under construction but you can follow us on Instagram (@kgconsultancy) or contact Katie directly for any enquires or referrals via email ( or directly via mobile (0409 224 078)


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