Luminosity Guardians

Do you want to know more?

Michelle Richmond attended the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town where she received her degree in Information Technology with a major in Project Management.  She is also a credentialled Master Practitioner from The Coaching Institute of Australia.  As an ardent feminist, a proud mum to a daughter and also a breast cancer survivor.  Michelle used her recovery period to research the subject of Imposter Phenomenon.  Michelle identified this as something she had battled with, in silence, for most of her working career.  With the uncertainty that was brought about from her diagnosis, Michelle put all of her focus into researching the Imposter Phenomenon to help document the conversations she wanted to have with her daughter, should she not survive – but she did and now she is sharing this to help others be able to achieve their own spotlight in the form of Luminosity Guardians.

In your own words, what is Luminosity Guardians?

Luminosity Guardians champion the exemplification of courage when outcomes or the results are uncertain.  We believe this sets the scene for individuals to maximise their reach.

Tell us the story – your story, of how Luminosity Guardians came about/to life and how long have you been up and running for?

Luminosity Guardians came about after a 20 plus year corporate career, witnessing deficiencies in some corporate cultures to leverage the strengths and knowledge of their teams due to the leader’s lack of courage to be perceived as unskilled.

This fostered the curiosity to investigate psychological hypotheses that could warrant such cultures in certain organisations.  As part of my studies, I had an opportunity to reflect on my perspectives during my corporate career enhancement path as well as what brought me to an impasse.  I discovered something I believe makes all the difference.

Then followed a series of personal challenges that led me to face my mortality.  I suddenly found myself in a position to do some creative thinking!  At that moment in time, all I could think of was how will I be able to impart all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years to my daughter.  Then I got inspired by the conversations I wanted to have with her, who at the time was only five years old.

The business has been up and running for nearly a year now.  After a clean bill of health and the obstacles brought about by the pandemic, I have a clear vision.

Everybody has something they love, what do you love about your job?

I love seeing the difference I can make in people’s lives.  I also love meeting new people from different backgrounds and upbringings.  Every person brings a new perspective, insight into what makes us human.  At the core, we are universally the same.  but it gives me variety and feeds into one of my values of learning.

What was your “lightbulb moment”?  The moment you realised that Luminosity Guardians was going to be your footprint on the world?

My lightbulb moment was when I was being prepped for my ten-hour operation.  The anaesthetist that came to administer my anaesthetics has so much warmth, compassion, and lightness.  He was joking with the rest of the staff and we were having a conversation about our jobs and how he enjoyed his work environment because he could bring all of his personality to work.  It was so refreshing to watch him in action – the last thing I remember him saying was “have a good sleep and we’ll see you on the other side”.

At that moment, I vowed that if I woke the next day, Luminosity Guardians would be my footprint on the world.  I don’t have to pretend to be someone I am not anymore.  I will be free to embrace my natural talents and let others do the same.

There’s a lot of competition out there for the industry that your business is in, what sets YOU apart from the next business that is offering personal development, personal growth strategies as well as consulting?

Luminosity Guardians offers a systematic approach to personal development that focuses on individuals adopting new habits that are sustainable to help our clients achieve their version of success.

What are some of the biggest struggles that you see your clients facing when they first start to work with you?

The biggest challenge I see my clients facing is that they spend the majority of their time conforming to societal norms without questioning the impact this has on their wellbeing.  They spend a lot of time doing things they feel obliged to do and saying things like “I should be” doing this or “I should have” done this.  Trapped in a world of busyness, they are often time-poor and struggle to adopt or instil beneficial new habits.  They lack the focus to do the things that will sustain them in the long term.  At the core, they want to experience a sense of freedom and autonomy.

What are some of the little joys that you bring to those that have entrusted you to bring them into their full potential and to find their spotlight?

The little joys I bring is a sense of adventure to try out something new.

For example, meeting at a new restaurant or over lunch trying out new cuisines.  The ability to laugh at ourselves as I believe we take ourselves too seriously.  We get to slow down a little, perhaps smell some flowers, admire vibrant colours around us, and have a chuckle at our life experiences.

If we were to spend a day in your shoes – what would that look like?

I start my day with a kiss goodbye from my husband at about 6.30 am and then I do a short meditation before my daughter gets up to start her day.  From there, it’s time to let the rabbits out in the garden while we do some housekeeping to keep things in order!

After school drop-off, I have a coffee, breakfast and sneak in a yoga session when I can.  My work schedule is categorised into focus days, like business admin, new client business, research and study, client support as well as business content creation.  Once that’s done, it’s time to tackle my unconditional MUST-do tasks but once that’s completed, I do a celebratory dance.  I have lunch and sort out school activities and before you know it, it’s time for school pick-up and the after school activities or hobbies.

My husband walks through the door at 5.00 pm and is straight into the kitchen to make dinner, once the clean up is done – it’s time to plan the work for tomorrow before relaxing!

What do you consider a good day at work for you?

A good day is when I hear my clients say “I feel like I am starting to win!”

Every business needs an adviser… Who do YOU turn to for trusted help?

I turn to Amanda Wilkens and Krystine Canny-Smith for advice.

Not only are they exceptional people, but they are also exceptional businesswomen with big hearts.  Krys and Mandy are the epitome of empowerment and upliftment in business and they are advocates for social change.

What kind of support have you received from Canny Group since joining forces with them as your accountant?

They have provided me with sound business advice for improvements, pitfalls and recommendations based on their combined years of experience working with entrepreneurs and start-ups.  I’ve also received valuable marketing advice that extends to their networks.  I have been fortunate to get a lot more than I could ever imagine and I am forever grateful.

Looking into your “Luminosity Guardians crystal ball”… What do you see the future looking like for you and your business?

The future is bright for us and I cannot help but feel limitless since joining forces with Canny Group because when you know that every time our clients win, we are winning too!

How do I get in contact and find out more about what you offer?

There are plenty of ways…


Phone: 03 9346 8237 or 0403 613 521


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