How To Prepare For Your NDIS Plan Review

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How To Prepare For Your NDIS Plan Review

Written by: Edwina Wilkens l Marketing + Business Development Manager for Canny Plan Management


Any participant who is receiving National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding, will know that at some point they will have a plan review.  While this is a requirement as part of the NDIS process and participation, we wanted to make sure that you know how to prepare for your plan review and where to get help if you need it.  The purpose of an NDIS plan review is to help participants and allow them to take the time to think and consider what’s important, what’s been working and what hasn’t been working as well as any changes they would like to make for their next NDIS plan.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan reviews can also repent challenges for participants who do not take the time to prepare properly and take the time to consider any challenges or changes that may have occurred or they have encountered as well as what they have been able to overcome during the course of the plan is being reviewed.  As well as challenges it is important to consider the funding allocation in the NDIS plan – what is adequate?  How much was used, how much wasn’t and which supports needed more funding?

No matter what situation you find yourself in when you are gearing up for your NDIS plan review, it is always important to take the time to speak to your Plan Manager, like Canny Plan Management so that you are able to look over your funding financials, and anything and everything you may need in preparation and readiness for the process to being.  Being a client of Canny Plan Management, we check in with you prior to your plan review.  We will go over your current plan with you to make sure that you are across where your funding was and sometimes wasn’t utilised and also to highlight any areas that might be worth requesting additional or new funding to help and assist you in reaching your goals.

How To Manage Your Plan + When Your Plan Review Should Happen

Generally, a National Disability Insurance Scheme Plan Review happens towards the end of your existing and current plan.  The plan review experience will start with a participant check-in from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), where they contact you to book your plan review meeting.

What Information Will Your NDIS Participant Need For The Review?

There are a few things that you may need to provide when it comes to your NDIS plan review.  Documents such as assessments or reports from some or all of the service providers who have been working with you to reach and achieve your goals set out in your current NDIS plan is a good place to start for your plan review meeting.  If you have a Support Coordinator, they will request, collate and submit the reports and assessments to the NDIS on your behalf before your plan review meeting.

The reason for these reports and assessments is to provide information and updates on how your supports and services are helping you work towards your goals.  These reports can also make recommendations for supports and services that you might be considering in the future due to your needs.  It is important to have these reports to discuss with your ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention) Coordinator, LAC (Local Area Coordinator) or the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) delegate.  Not sure who these important people are and what their roles are?

If you are a Canny Plan Management Client, in addition to having all your funding utilisation information available through your monthly expenditure and balance statements, and access to our Canny Plan Management portal, we will discuss with you prior to your NDIS plan review, how your financials tracked for the entirety of your plan.  Whether you came on board with us from the start of your plan, joined us mid-way or towards the end, makes no difference.  We are able to go through your plan with you to show where your funding was spent where your funding may have fallen short overall and sometimes, where you may have underutilised your funding.

We like to keep in touch over the course of your plan to assist you in managing and tracking your funding.  We can also provide you with reports on your funding to take with you to your NDIS plan review.

Top Tips from Your NDIS Plan Management Team To Help Your Prepare

With the time you have leading up to your plan review, it is a good idea to think about the tips below as well as discuss them with the people who support you to reach and achieve your goals.

  • What did you feel worked well in your plan?
  • What you think didn’t work as well as it could have in your plan?
  • What progress have you made towards reaching and achieving your goals?
  • Are there any goals outlined in your plan that you want to continue to pursue?
  • Are there any goals outlined in your plan that you would want to change?
  • Who is able to help you to pursue reaching and achieving your goals?
  • Is the current way you plan is being managed the best way?
  • Would you like to look at options for changing some or all of the ways your NDIS plan funding is being managed?

Frequently Asked Questions about Your NDIS Funds on your NDIS Plan

Is it true that you get less funding on your second NDIS plan?

Honestly, every plan is different as are every participant’s goals they are wanting to achieve over the duration of their plan.  There can be a lot of angst around the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIS), especially when it comes to the possibility of receiving less funding as a result of a plan review.

One thing that is highly important in preparation, the more you are prepared for your plan review, the greater the chance of getting a plan which you are happy with and that suits all of your wants and needs.

Who will be doing the actual NDIS Plan review?

Depending on your age and which category you fit into, will determine who will conduct your plan review.

If you are over the age of 7 years old, your plan review will be conducted by either your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or your NDIS Planner.

Plan reviews for participants under the age of 7 years old are conducted by their Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) partner.

Will my second NDIS Plan be for longer than 12 months?

There is definitely a possibility of you receiving your subsequent NDIS plan for a period longer than 12 months as the NDIS is actively moving towards longer-term plans.

It is really important to have a conversation with your LAC, Support Coordinator (if you have one) and your providers as by having a plan for a longer period of time the NDIA are assuming your needs and your goals are not going to change over the course of your plan and timeframe.  If this is the case, there is no cause for alarm but if you feel this is not the case, then you need to speak to your support network.

What happens if I need to review my NDIS plan early because something changes?

If there has been a significant change or changes to your personal circumstances in regards to the supports you need from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, then you need to request a plan review.

This can be done at any time and there is also a change of circumstances form which will need to be completed to get the ball rolling.

It is important to take into consideration that there is a difference between being unhappy with the supports you are receiving and the funding that has been allocated for your supports.  However, if you are unhappy with a decision, there is a process for the Review of a Planning Decision that has to be followed in order to apply for a review.

Trust In NDIS Registered, Canny Plan Management

When your time comes to start preparing your NDIS plan review, we want you to feel as prepared and ready for your meeting as possible.  We want you to have your voice heard and sometimes that means asking for a little bit of help – Canny Plan Management is here to help you.

Get in touch today to find out how Canny Plan Management can help you prepare and help you to think outside the box when it comes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme to make your plan the best that it can be.

Picture of Edwina Wilkens, Marketing and Business Development Manager in the centre of the picture with her hands on her hips leaning forward and smiling wearing a striped purple and yellow shirt

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