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The age pension payment/benefit is designed to provide income support to older Australians who need it while encouraging pensioners to maximise their overall income....
Appointing a guardian, and therefore expressing your wishes in relation to who has the ultimate care of your child/children, gives important direction to not only...
Canny Plan Management isn't your everyday NDIS Plan Management Team, we are real people from real walks of life and our aim is to help...
There are some big differences between the roles that are carried out as an NDIS Plan Manager and a Support Coordinator and it is important...
New Mumma Boxes – Client Insider l Canny Group So many times leading up to and post giving birth, the spotlight is on the new...
If you acquire cryptocurrency for the purpose of holding it to dispose of at a later time for a profit, you will make a capital...
Deep Dive on two of the proposed positive changes to superannuation rules in this year's budget!...
A common question asked by our clients when giving instructions for a Will is "can I leave my Estate to whomever I choose?" The simple...
For the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) participants, the funding allocated to them for their individual and personal NDIS plan is not income, therefore it...
Blackhearts & Sparrows – Geelong, A Wine Store | Canny Group Zara and Conor were like any young couple in their early twenties looking for...
The recently handed down Federal Budget for 2021-22 contains proposals for tax relief in several areas, including one that is close to many people's hearts...
Federal Budget Breakdown – Financial Advisory | Canny Group As the COVID economic landscape continues to take shape, the Australian Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg has...
The right decision for you, may not be from Chuck who recommended his neighbour's friend on Facebook who did him a solid when selling his...
Any participant who is receiving National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding, will know that at some point they will have a plan review....
We often ask our clients what they feel like their most valuable asset is. Some will say their car, some will say their house, and...
Super is extremely important to each individual because the more you save and contribute to your superannuation fund over your working lifetime...
SPRUCED Geelong Natural Home Service – Client Insider | Canny Group SPRUCED Geelong is a natural home service giving their clients the service that...
As we celebrate another Mother's Day we are reminded again of the importance of family, and the guidance and support our parents have given us...