Category: Legal

When separated parents don't see eye to eye on the care arrangements for their children, this can create tensions that span many months and even...
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) sets out the minimum standards that employers must provide to their employees...
One of the biggest steps in an individual's life is either purchasing or selling a property, or both...
At your initial Will appointment, many questions need to be asked, sometimes mundane and sometimes more personal....
As the great Benjamin Franklin once said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes and child support."...
We are providing your business with a holistic legal service that not only looks at what you need now, but also what your business needs...
Firstly you should stop around and compare quotes, look at the reputation of the conveyancer or solicitor, consider their experience and how long they have...
What happens if a loved one does not have the mental capacity to understand and therefore make important documents such as Powers of Attorney?...
The very last thing our Canny business owners want to do is think about whether their standard terms and conditions are compliant with the latest...
When making, altering or updating their Will, many people ask the question "Do I need to provide for my stepchild or stepchildren?"...
They are there for you when times get tough, and they provide you with unconditional love. What happens to pets when their owners go through...
There are many names used by people to describe what is known in Victoria, as an Intervention Order (IVO for short)....