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Taxpayers contemplating even the most ordinary transactions should consider tax planning as part of the transaction to ensure that they do not suffer adverse tax...
Operating a successful business - whether it be large or small - is very much about managing cash flow, and this is where budgeting comes...
FBT was originally conceived to target cars, travel and restaurant meals for executives, business owners should be of the obligations, opportunities, and the risks that...

Michelle Richmond attended the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town where she received her degree in Information Technology with a major in Project...

Your choice of structure will depend on the size and type of business and also how you want to run it. Each structure may have...

What Happens To A Self-Managed Super Fund In A Divorce? Written by: Canny Advisory   According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2020 78,989...

Put simply, Powers of Attorney are documents appointing a person or persons to act for you while you are alive...
Inspired by the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and the resulting loss of confidence in the banking industry, cryptocurrency is without a central governing body...
Did you know that with a self-managed super fund, you can purchase commercial or residential property inside the super fund and this can provide many...

Daisy Dreamers was dreamt up while Lauren, her partner and their young daughter were travelling around Australia in their caravan. Noticing a big gap in...

The Virtual CFO provides some of the services provided by a CFO, and the ability to provide the rest of the services when necessary or...
Less than 100 years ago, a retiree wasn't expected to draw a pension, but today we will need money for more than 15 years after...
Ever wanted to know if you have a leg to stand on when it comes to contesting an Estate? Generally, a person will make a...
Though not necessary, the NDIA recommend having a written service agreement in place for the engagement and delivery of supports under an NDIS Participant's NDIS...

Eat and They Shall Sleep EATSS – Client Insider l Canny Group In mid-2014 whilst on (another) trip to Thailand, Donna and Phoebe realised they...

In order to keep your business healthy so that you will reap the rewards of your success, you need to regularly review it to make...
Superannuation is a very tax-effective way to invest in Australia. Considering it is a form of forced saving for retirement, we should be taking a...
It's those three golden words that so many people dread... Capital Gains Tax! Some of the most common questions we are asked by our clients...