Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program

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Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program


Emergency support grants for businesses directly affected by the Victorian Flood events that commented in October 2022 take note…

Program Overview

The Small Business Immediate Flood Relief Program supports businesses directly affected by the Victorian flood events that commenced in October 2022.  There are two streams of support available under this program:

  • Immediate Flood Relief Grant
  • Business Relief Service


Businesses must:

  • Be located within a local government area deemed eligible for assistance under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement;
  • Hold an active Australia Business Number (ABN) on and from 14 October 2022;
  • Be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) on and from 14 October 2022; and
  • Have incurred significant direct damage from flooding to the place of business, business assets, stock, or equipment.

What You Get:

  • One-off $5,000 grant
  • Dedicated business relief advisers

Closing Date: closes on 13 January 2023

Immediate Flood Relief Grant

Businesses directly impacted by the Victorian floods that commenced in October 2022 can access a one-off grant of $5,000 to cover immediate expenses.  Businesses must be located within an eligible local government area and incurred significant direct damage to their place of business, business assets, stock, or equipment.

Eligible businesses can apply for the grant to cover expenses incurred from direct flood damage including for (but not limited to):

  • Qualified tradespeople to conduct safety inspections, repair premises, and internal fittings
  • Equipment, materials, and services needed for clean-up
  • Removal and disposal of debris, damaged materials, or damaged stock
  • Equipment, stock, and materials essential for immediately resuming operations

Please read the program guidelines and frequently asked questions (FAQs) before applying.

If you are having difficulty and need any assistance completing your application, please call the Business Victoria Hotline on 13 22 15.  The hotline operates seven days a week.

Business Relief Services

The Business Relief Service is a free service offering one-on-one support from a local business relief adviser who will be available via telephone and on the ground to guide business owners through the available Commonwealth, state, and local supports.  They can also help you manage insurance and landlord issues, assess impacts, and form strategies for recovery.

To access the Business Relief Service, please call the Business Victoria Hotline on 13 22 15 and they will connect you with dedicated business relief advisers and supports.  The hotline operates seven days a week.

Apply here!

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