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Superannuation is a very tax-effective way to invest in Australia. Considering it is a form of forced saving for retirement, we should be taking a...
It's those three golden words that so many people dread... Capital Gains Tax! Some of the most common questions we are asked by our clients...

COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Voucher Program l Canny Group The COVIDSafe Outdoor Activation Voucher Program will support businesses to reopen in a COVIDSafe manner by moving...

Amy Lee Carlon Photography – Client Insider l Canny Group It’s not often that you hear of someone considering a good days work as “one...

Succession Planning is not just a collection of buzzwords. Done properly, succession planning adds value to your business, keeps stakeholders informed and allows your business...
Retirement Planning is one of the most rewarding areas of advice for me that I like to work with, both with new clients and those...
One of the most common questions that we are asked when a person makes an appointment to make a Will is "What do I need...
How you find something that you're after and the way that you go about finding it is by your preference and how you feel most...

Director Identification Numbers – Accountants Geelong l Canny Group Are you a director of a company? It’s time to get ready for the launch of...

Bookkeepers are a little bit like unicorns... magical and amazing creatures that can help you and your business make strategic and accurate decisions in real...
Cryptocurrency appears to be a fast-growing alternative for SMSFs that are looking to diversify their fund's investment portfolio....

All In One Support Services – Client Insider l Canny Group   In your own words, what is All In One Support Services? All In...

If you already have done your Will, congratulations because you're not making up part of the extremely alarming statistic of being one of the 52%...
Recently the Australian Tax Office (ATO) warned that it would be looking closely at expenses claimed for the 2020/21 tax period....
Are you self-managing your NDIS Plan? Did you know that you can use a registered NDIS Plan Manager too, and get the best of both...
Over 40% of people reported feeling nervous, restless or exhausted over the last year, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics....

All Aboard The Miniature Railway Adventure Park Written by: Edwina Wilkens l Marketing + Business Development Manager Anybody who has children, a grandchild, nieces and...

Approaching a solicitor to discuss what would happen to your Estate (your assets and your children) when you die can be a daunting task....